Stop the Scratch and Conquer the Buzz: Introducing The Extractor Bite Sucker!
January 15, 2024
Outbound Expert
dragonfly bugs camping

Hello adventurers, It’s that glorious time of year again – sunshine, fresh air, endless views and…bugs. Lots of them. And with those buzzing, biting freeloaders comes one inevitable consequence: the dreaded itch. Whether it’s a mosquito massacre, a bee blitz, or a spider serenade, the misery of insect encounters can turn any idyllic outing into a scratch-fest marathon.

But fear not, fellow adventurers! For science has blessed us with a mighty weapon against the itchy tyranny of the insect kingdom: The Extractor Bug Bite Sucker!

The extractor bug bite sucker

How Does This Bite Sucker Work?

The Extractor is the tiny terminator of your itchy woes. Forget clunky creams and messy gels; this sleek, easy-to-use device works like a charm. Here’s how it goes:

  1. Target Acquired: Identify the battleground – that red, swollen bump begging for a scratch.
  2. Suction Power: Place the Bite Sucker’s gentle cup over the bite and slowly pull the handle. A gentle vacuum forms, drawing out the venom or saliva that’s causing the itch.
  3. Release and Rejoice: Hold the suction for 10-20 seconds, then release and watch the magic happen. The itch diminishes, the swelling subsides, and you’re left with just a happy sigh of relief.

Why Should You Be the Master of Bites?

Think of The Extractor as your pocket-sized guardian angel against the insect empire. It’s:

  • Compact and portable: Slip it in your bag, pocket, or even on your keychain. It’s always there when you need it, whether enjoying a picnic, hiking a trail, or just chilling in your backyard.
  • Safe and gentle: No harsh chemicals, no messy ointments, just pure suction power that’s safe for all ages and skin types.
  • Reusable and eco-friendly: Ditch the disposable wipes and creams. The Bite Sucker is built to last, saving you money and reducing waste.
  • Instant gratification: Forget waiting for creams to work, or enduring endless scratching sessions. The Bite Sucker offers immediate relief, so you can get back to enjoying your adventures.

Common Bug Bites in Colorado

When it comes to the most common bug bites in the Centennial State, the Bite Sucker has your back (or, more accurately, your itchy arm).

Mosquito – Let’s face it, these buzzing bloodsuckers are practically the state insect of summer. Their itchy, red welts are the bane of picnics, hikes, and campfire cozies. But the Bite Sucker’s gentle suction draws out the mosquito saliva that triggers the itch, leaving you with sweet relief instead of a scratching frenzy.

Tick – While Lyme disease isn’t as prevalent in Colorado as other regions, ticks can still be a nuisance. Luckily, the Bite Sucker’s ability to remove shallowly embedded ticks without squeezing them (which can spread diseases) makes it a valuable campsite companion. Just remember, for deeper ticks, consult a healthcare professional.

Spiders – While not all spider bites are created equal, the Bite Sucker can help with the mild itching and swelling caused by common Colorado spiders like the black widow and the hobo spider. Its gentle suction won’t irritate the bite further, unlike scratching, which can lead to infection.

Honorable Mentions – Bees/Wasps, chiggers, and even those pesky fire ants can all leave itchy reminders of their presence. But the Bite Sucker’s versatility comes to the rescue! Its suction power works on a variety of bug bites, offering instant relief from that annoying tingling and urge to scratch.

Don’t Let Bites Bite Back!

Summer may be a buffet of bugs, but you don’t have to be the main course. Arm yourself with The Extractor Bug Bite Sucker and reclaim your right to itch-free adventures. Imagine: picnics without swatting, hikes without scratching, barbecues without the buzzing blues. It’s a world of carefree enjoyment, and it’s just a click away.

So, what are you waiting for? Take a stand against the bite brigade, and order your Bite Sucker today! It’s the ultimate weapon in your arsenal against the itchy, stingy forces of nature. Go forth, explore, and let the sunshine, not the bugs, define your summer!

Shop The Extractor Bite Sucker